Rinconada Lap Pool: Heater Issues

The Rinconada Pool heater is experiencing some issues. The pool is OPEN, but the temperature is lower. The temperature is 79F as of 1:30pm, Friday, February 7th. Members are welcome to use the Menlo Park pool facilities (Burgess & Belle Haven) during this repair.

Póngase en contacto con

Palo Alto Swim and Sport is committed to serving the community. If you have any questions or comments we would like to hear from you. Please complete the form and send to us, and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

Rinconada Pool
Service Center: (650) 463-4914
Email: info@paloaltoswim.com

Customer Service Hours

Monday – Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm

Rinconada Pool Address
777 Embarcadero Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94301
